This article explains why you might be getting the “Failed to Communicate with URL Provided” error when trying to add a webhook to, and provides easy-to-follow solutions to fix the problem. Here are the key learnings this piece offers:
- How to use the “run once” function to make a scenario webhook listen for responses.
- Understand why you receive the challenge response and what the code string represents.
- How to correctly add a webhook response using JSON and map the challenge answer.
- Develop understanding of the need to resend the challenge value back to Monday to gain access.
- Comprehend why Monday requires verification of webhook control for users adding webhooks on the platform.
Failed to Communicate with URL Provided
Are you trying to add a webhook to and you’re getting the “Failed to Communicate with URL Provided” error? If so, keep reading this article and I’ll show you how to get past that error in no time. My name is Andy O’Neill and I help entrepreneurs like you add automation to their business.
If you wanna know the technical reason why this is happening, hang around to the end of the article. But if you just want the quick fix, I’m gonna do that first. So I’m gonna presume you already have created your webhook in Monday and you’ve already tried to add it to Monday, that’s why you’ve gotten this error.
So we just need to click “run once” to get our scenario webhook listening for a response. Now we’re gonna go back over to and we’re gonna add our webhook again. We’re gonna get the error again, but I knew that was gonna happen because we have to go back to make and set something up to get this to where it works and it sends a message back to Monday that we own this webhook.
You can see we got a response here and the response says “challenge” and it has this big long string right here. We have to send that back to Monday so they will accept us using that webhook on their platform. So we’re gonna click here and we’re gonna go to webhooks and we’re gonna add a webhook response and don’t do anything with the status, that’s correct. What we need to do is we need to type, we’re gonna type some JSON in here and we’re gonna send that challenge value back to the webhook. Then we’re gonna map the challenge answer right here.
I’m gonna pause for 10 seconds so you can take a screenshot of this so you’ll have it for next time. So now we’re gonna click okay. And so now we’re gonna go add our webhook one more time. So our scenario is running and we’re gonna jump back over here to Monday.
Now I’ve got my webhook still pasted in there from the previous times I’ve tried it. Now I’m gonna click connect and now we’ve gotten past that challenge issue and you can see here that this challenge was sent back. The status is 200, which is a good status and that challenge was sent back to Monday so you can continue to set up whatever action you had in Monday and then over here in make, you can actually delete this module. You don’t need it anymore. You can add whatever modules you want to build out your scenario.
Let’s talk about why we have to do this. Monday requires apps using webhooks to verify that the webhook owner has control over that webhook. So when you attempt to add a webhook to Monday, the platform checks this by sending a JSON challenge to your endpoint and then your app has to respond back with that same challenge. You’re gonna find more about this information in the webhook documentation.